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Family Planning

What is Family Planning?

When it comes to protecting your health, it starts with a plan. Whether you’re planning on having a family now, considering starting one in the future, or not looking to start one at all, family planning is here to guide and support you along the way.

The support umbrella of family planning is vast and can range from birth control, extensive counseling and education, STD testing and treatment, extensive reproductive plans, and much more. Regardless of where you are in your journey, it’s about finding the healthy fit for you and your lifestyle.

We provide non-judgmental, equitable care to all individuals regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, or ability to pay.

Birth Control

There are many of options when it comes to birth control. It can be challenging or even daunting to navigate on your own. Together, we can help you determine which form is best for you and your body.

Birth control options offered through the Casper-Natrona County Health Department include preconception counseling, education on abstinence, Natural Family Planning, contraceptive implant, condoms, oral contraceptive pills (combination and progestin-only), Intrauterine Devices (IUDs), NuvaRing, and the Depo-Provera shot.

All services are voluntary, and you have the opportunity to choose from a broad range of contraceptive options based on your reproductive life, personal preferences, and lifestyle.

STD Testing

Not only do we test for a wide variety of STDs and STIs, but we also help provide treatment and support. Testing is vital for your sexual health and is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of these infections and diseases. Treatment offered under the same roof is an added benefit of testing with the Health Department. Get personal reassurance while protecting yourself and the community.

Our STD/STI services include counseling, testing, and treatment. We test for: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes, Hepatitis B and C.

STD Testing

Not only do we test for a wide variety of STDs and STIs, but we also help provide treatment and support. Testing is vital for your sexual health and is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of these infections and diseases. Treatment offered under the same roof is an added benefit of testing with the Health Department. Get personal reassurance while protecting yourself and the community.

Our STD/STI services include counseling, testing, and treatment. We test for: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes, Hepatitis B and C.

Reproductive Health

Your reproductive life plans are the basis for building your personalized plan of care at the CNCHD. We base these plans on wellness rather than just treatment. We’ll use this plan as a basis for each visit.

We offer reproductive exams to all individuals while evaluating the entire system. We’re there for every step while providing you with referrals as needed.

We aim to promote positive sexual health to ensure safe and healthy pregnancies and births. We offer pregnancy tests and extensive counseling. If your pregnancy test is positive, you immediately gain access to resources, education, and next steps.

Services, Resources, and Additional Information

Our Disease Prevention Clinic is a federally-funded Title X Family Planning program that helps young individuals with reproductive health concerns: preventing pregnancy, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, general health concerns, emergency contraception, HIV testing and counseling, abstinence education, prevention of sexual coercion and abuse.  For more information about the Title X program please go to the Wyoming Health Council’s website.

At every visit, the individual has an opportunity to talk to a health care professional about their health concerns, including but not limited to: blood pressure, weight reduction, pregnancy testing, hemoglobin testing, mammograms, immunizations, smoking cessation, substance abuse and high risk behaviors.

Family Planning Services

Sexual Health Services

Sexual Health and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Pelvic and Pap Smear exam

Human Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV) testing and counseling

Breast exam

Contraceptives offered by the CNCHD

Male condom (latex and non-latex)

Barrier Contraceptives

Female condom (non-latex)

Dental dam (latex only)

Hormonal Methods

Combination oral contraceptives

Progestin-only pills



Contraceptive Implant

Intrauterine devices (IUDs)

Emergency Contraception-Plan B

Other resources available

Health education and Counseling on a variety of topics

Pregnancy testing

Education on how to do self-testicular exams

Contraceptive education and counseling

Follow-up on medical conditions and referral to other healthcare providers (as needed)

Additional Resources

For information on Breast and Cervical Cancer Screenings, visit

For information on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, visit

For information on HIV/AIDS, visit

Wyoming Department of health, visit

This program is supported by the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $76,356 with 18 percent funded by OPA/OASH/HHS and $96,500 and 19 percent funded by non-government source(s). The contents are those of the author (s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by OPA/OASH/HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit or