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The Wyoming Tomato Project began in 2022. The Wyoming Tomato Project works to encourage healthy eating and physical activity behaviors by making tomatoes free and accessible to Wyomingites. This ties in with goal 3 of the 2021-2025 Wyoming Cancer Plan. One of the biggest successes in our first year of the project was distributing seedlings to people living on the Wind River Reservation.

The project was reworked for 2023 with goals to make seedlings more accessible by expanding into community gardens and still providing seedlings to individuals. The reworked project also emphasizes education and sustainability by providing rack cards teaching about seed saving to individuals who receive a seedling.

We hope that this project will not only be beneficial in promoting healthy habits, but educational. From teaching people about how their behaviors can reduce cancer risks, to showing folks how to grow their own produce, to giving food or recipe inspiration, one of the main goals for this project is showing people that lifestyle changes can be small, but powerful.